Possibilities to file a complaint
If you are dissatisfied with our service or performance, please let us know first. You can reach us via telephone at +43 732 660662, via E-mail to or via regular mail to Integral Insurance Broker GmbH, Hasnerstraße 2, 4020 Linz.

If for any reason we should not be able to resolve your complaint according to your expectations, you can address your complaint to the following boards for customer complaints and arbitration:

Office for complaints concerning insurance intermediaries at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW), Abt I/7 Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien. Under §365z1 of the Austrian Trade Act (GewO), this Office must accept, free of charge, any complaints registered by customers against insurance intermediaries. In all cases complaints are to be processed and receive replies. Wherever possible, the Office has to work towards a mediation. Please find more detailed information here.

Arbitration boards

Legal and arbitration board of the professional association of insurance brokers and consultants in insurance matters:
This can be contacted for settlement of disputes out of court Please find more detailed information here.

As A1 Handygarantie customer you can also address the following arbitration bodies

Consumer arbitration services
As a consumer, you can address either the Consumer Arbitration Board ( or the Internet Ombudsman ( in matters of settlement of disputes out of court. Your participation on the arbitration procedure is free of charge and voluntary, the decision of the Arbitration Board is not binding. Additionally, you can address your complaint to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform of the EU ( Regardless of whether you make use of your right for alternative dispute resolution with the Consumer Arbitration Board you have the right to take legal actions.